Location (see map):
Trafalgar Quarters
Park Row
SE10 9NL
Types of Flats:
- 11 x 1 Person, 1 Bedroom flats
- 10 x 2 Person, 1 Bedroom flats
Full Time Scheme Manager:
Monday - Friday
Emergency Pull-cord to PPP Taking Care Careline out of office hours
Contact Scheme Manager:
07742 036343
Please ring this number if you would like to arrange a visit and look round the scheme.
Application Form:
Get the form
Trafalgar Quarters is a tasteful 2001 conversion of a Grade II Listed Building built in 1813 as lodgings for officers of the adjacent Greenwich Hospital. There is an enclosed courtyard at the rear. Facilities include: communal lounge, shared laundry facilities, hairdressing salon, a guest bedroom and a lift. Easy access to buses, GP, Greenwich shops and post office.