Greenwich Place

Location (see map):
Greenwich Place
Glebe Avenue
PL12 6UH
Types of Flats:

  • 22 x 1 Person, 1 Bedroom flats
  • 10 x 2 Person, 1 Bedroom flats
  • 1 x 2 Person, 2 Bedroom flat

Full Time Scheme Manager:
Monday - Friday
Emergency Pull-cord to PPP Taking Care Careline out of office hours
Contact Scheme Manager:
07746 856591
Please ring this number if you would like to arrange a visit and look round the scheme.
Application Form:
Get the form

Greenwich Place opened in 1993, with splendid views of the Tamar from some rooms. Facilities include: communal lounge, shared laundry facilities, hairdressing salon, two guest bedrooms and a lift. Easy access to buses and GP as well as Saltash shops and post office. Photovoltaic cells are being installed on the roof in Autumn 2023, which should reduce the service charges for heating, hot water and the communal areas.